A Journal of interesting things I encounter about Perennial Vegetables, Forest Gardening, Woodland Crafts and a Low-Tech Lifestyle

Kategorie: "Herbology"

Making a herbal percolation
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Making a herbal percolation

A percolation has a few advantages and disadvantages compared to a maceration. A Percolation is much faster, taking only about 2 days to the finished tincture, while a maceration can take several weeks. A percolation also ends up with a more potent…
Milky Oat Tincture

Milky Oat Tincture

The green seeds of Oat (Avena sativa) can be harvested in their milky stage to make a medicinal tincture. The milky stage of the seeds can be easily missed so the right time of harvest ist crucial. To test if the oat-seeds are in the milky stage just…