Fermented Hosta Flower Stalks
Since the Asparagus and Solomons Seal season is over i was very happy to discover that the Hosta flower stalks that are popping up everywhere at the moment are quite abundant, tender and taste almost like Solomons Seal. Also we finished one of the jars of the Fermented Solomons Seal i made a few weeks ago, so there was a jar full of tasty brine ready to be filled with something else.

Many of the Hostas had relatively small or skinny flower stalks, but I found a bunch of big ones. I can't tell the species or variety though.

I harvested the flower stalks all the way to the bottom, then I broke off the fibrous bottom part by inching forward from the bottom, bending the stalks until they snap. From the point upward where they snap they are not as fibrous. Then I cut the stalks to length to fit into the half gallon jar. When I treid the flower buds I didn't like the taste as much as the the stalks to I was tempted to leave the flower buds out, but I ended up adding them to see how they will taste once fermented for a while.

I added a little more salt to the water and after putting in the flower stalks, added some more water to cover everything.