A Journal of interesting things I encounter about Perennial Vegetables, Forest Gardening, Woodland Crafts and a Low-Tech Lifestyle

Archiv für: "Mai 2022"

Milky Oat Tincture

Milky Oat Tincture

The green seeds of Oat (Avena sativa) can be harvested in their milky stage to make a medicinal tincture. The milky stage of the seeds can be easily missed so the right time of harvest ist crucial. To test if the oat-seeds are in the milky stage just…
Eating Spiderwort Stalks
Perennial Vegetables

Eating Spiderwort Stalks

Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) may turn out to be another good perennial vegetable. In April the young shoots and leaves can be eaten raw or in soups and in May, when many perennial vegetables grow out of their tender state and turn fibrous and…
Saving Wasabi Seeds
Perennial Vegetables

Saving Wasabi Seeds

We were saving a lot of seeds of true Wasabi (Eutrema japonicum) the last days. The seeds develop the first half of May and have to be harvested before they fully ripen because the seed pods open and they seeds fall out. Wasabi is in the Brassicaceae…
Fermented Solomons Seal
Perennial Vegetables

Fermented Solomons Seal

As I just started this blog and had to deal with all these website-configurations this post is a little bit late, as almost all the Solomons Seal shoots are too big and fibrous by now. At least here in the Appalachian Mountains. Giant Solomons Seal…
Green Tea in Zone 6b
Economic Botany

Green Tea in Zone 6b

Tea (Camellia sinensis) probably originated in the triangle of upland Myanmar, Assam in India and Yunnan in China which roughly accords to USDA zone 9 - 10. After a long history of tea being brought to different countries and continents, cultivars were…